Sunday, August 31, 2014

I am

I am....
First thoughts written on a page
List made and forgotten
A collector of books and art supplies

I am
The person hiding behind the camera
Adorer of charm bracelets
A feminine tomboy

I am....
A chaser of old cars
Lover of pirates
Closet artist

I am....
Dessert for breakfast
Dessert before dinner
A chocoholic

I am....
A secret giver
A recovering shoe and purse-aholic
Proud West Virginian

I am...
A scared writer
Car photographer
A sometime poetess
         {this counts, right?}

I am....
A birthday forgetter
Candle hoarder
Quirky decorator

I am so much and more
Things that I never give myself credit for

I am the good
I am the bad
And sometimes even
The ugly
        {To steal a phrase}

***Today, I am just "letting it rip" as the old saying goes. I am allowing my writing to take over no matter how good, bad, or ugly it may be.  I am discovering, through writing, who I truly am and I am allowing myself to share it here on the page.

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